Summerside Lobster Carnival Fishing Derby
in partnership with Bedeque Bay Environmental Management Association
Ice Pond Nature Park, Corner of Greenwood Drive and Notre Dame Street
The Bedeque Bay Environmental Management Association undertook the major project of restoring the ice pond in the west end of the City. The pond is now nature at its best and BBEMA is excited to partner with the Summerside Lobster Carnival to host events at the pond.
BBEMA has stocked the pond with trout and has a fishing license to host the Summerside Lobster Carnival Fishing Derby.
The derby will take place on Friday, July 12 between the hours of 4 pm and 8 pm.
BBEMA staff will be onsite to weigh the catch. There is no entry fee to enter the derby, which has two categories:
Biggest fish $50.00
Fifteen and under for biggest fish: $50.00
Most Caught: $50.00
Best of luck to all!