PEI Youth Talent Competition
Sponsored by PEI Mutual Insurance Company

Summerside Lobster Carnival 2018 Youth Competitors
Lobster is not the only thing in which PEI takes pride. Islanders love to celebrate the abundance of music and dance talent found in their midst. The PEI Youth Talent Competition, sponsored by PEI Mutual Insurance Company, is an opportunity for young Islanders, between the ages of thirteen and twenty-one, to showcase their budding artistic careers.
Throughout the summer, the PEI Association of Exhibitions schedule ten youth talent competitions to select the contenders for the provincial finals. Summerside Lobster Carnival is excited for its Youth Talent Competition.
The Lobster Carnival thanks the PEI Youth Talent Search Competition organizers, the PEI Association of Exhibitions, for making us one of the host events. The Lobster Carnival especially thanks PEI Mutual Life Insurance for its belief in and support of young artistic Islanders. Many of the past winners have gone on to launch successful music and dance careers.
Friday, July 12
6:30 pm Registration for Competitors
7:00 pm Performance Start Time
Location: Entertainment Tent on Carnival grounds, Credit Union Place
★Prizes Awarded★
★ 1st - $300 ★ 2nd $150 ★ 3rd $75 ★

PEI Youth Talent Search Competition
Competitions for the PEI Youth Talent Competition will be held at ten fairs, festivals and exhibitions on Prince Edward Island. A participant may enter any or all of these competitions, providing they did not advance to the provincial finals from a previous fair. The participant may enter only two categories in any one competition. One act will be selected to represent each fair/festival at the Provincial Youth Talent Finals.
General Rules and Regulation of Judging
1. There is no limit to the number of members in a group.
2. Competition categories are for the purposes of scheduling performers, clarifying eligibility and determining judging criteria. Each act will be judged against each other act, regardless of the category of performance.
3. A separate entry form is required for each competition you wish to enter.
In order to compete you must be a permanent resident of PEI between the ages of 13-21 years old.
Contestants will be judged on the following basis:
ï‚· Natural Ability—25%
ï‚· Quality of Performance—25%
ï‚· Showmanship and Suitable Appearance—25%
ï‚· Audience Rapport—25%
There will be a minimum of three judges for each local competition. Decision of the contest judges is final. No discussion regarding any decisions shall be entered into by the Youth Talent Search organizers
Participant Rules and Regulations
* Acts may not run longer than 4 1/2 minutes. Acts running over this time will be disqualified.
* Contestants must choose age and language appropriate song lyrics. To ensure that your act meets the rules and regulations of the Provincial Youth Talent Competition, please read the complete rules and regulations for the competition at Failure to comply with the rules and regulations will result in disqualification from the event. Please note: Contestants must choose age and language appropriate song lyrics. Songs containing coarse or suggestive language may result in disqualification.
Cash Awards Presented For:
First Place: $300 Second Place: $150 Third Place: $75
Note: This is the mandatory limit set for prize money, however if an event has the capacity to increase the amounts they may do so at their own discretion.
Provincial Youth Talent Search Finals
The final competition will be held at the region Evangeline recreation centre on Friday September 1st during the opening ceremonies of L’Exposition agricole et le Festival acadien de la region Evangeline. The winner will receive $750 in prize money, the runner-up will receive $350 and the third place contestant will receive $150.
For More Information
Please contact: Jean Tingley
PEI Youth Talent Coordinator, PEI Association of Exhibitions
(902)621-0526 or PEIAE
Office: (902)368-4848 or
You can also register by calling 902-786-7813 or 902-432-1298