Summerside Lobster Carnival
A culinary celebration of Island lobster paired with great entertainment
the Island way!
Friday, July 11, 2025
* Please Note: Program subject to change*
12:00 noon: Lobster Carnival Grounds and East Coast Amusement Midway Open
Credit Union Place grounds, 511 Notre Dame Street - Look for the Carnival Tents and Midway at Rufus Street entrance – plenty of free parking between the carnival grounds and Red Shores Summerside Raceway. First aid Tent located in the Courtyard.
Summerside Seafood Supreme Lobster Culinary Demonstration and Food Tent –Event Chef Robert Pendergast
PEI lobster and Summerside Seafood Supreme lobster bisque available throughout the afternoon at the Lobster Trap Merchandise booth located inside the tent. Lobster supper tickets available at the same location or at the door during the suppers. Visit the Lobster Prince Edward Island booth and Summerside Seafood Supreme booth. Free water station.
Lobster Culinary Demonstrations and Activities
Celebrating PEI's wild sustainable Lobster Industry
12 noon Chef Pendergast Demonstration and Taste Testing: Luxurious Lobster Butter on Baked PEI Oysters
1:00 PM Carrot Cake Competition: A good lobster dinner is rounded out with a delicious dessert. Carrot cake is a favourite for many Islanders. Non-professional bakers compete for the bragging rights for the best tasting carrot cake. 1st prize $100, 2nd $75, 3rd $50.00
2:00 PM Chef Pendergast Lobster Demonstration and Taste Testing: PEI Lobster Fritter with Chef Pendergast’s Spicy dip.
3:00 PM Chef Pendergast Lobster Demonstration and Taste Testing: Lobster Chowder made without flour.
4:00 PM Tent closes to prepare for Traditional Lobster Supper. Lobster available until 4 pm.
5:00 PM – 7:00 PM Traditional PEI Lobster Supper: PEI lobster in the shell, Chef Pendergast’s potato salad, coleslaw, cucumber, roll, ADL Dairy Isle butter, Water Street Bakery cookie, water, and tea. Lobster boat captains will crack your lobster, pose for pictures, and answer questions. Cold Plate: Chef Pendergast prepared ham, turkey, potato salad, coleslaw, cucumber, roll, ADL Dairy Isle butter, Water Street Bakery cookie, water, and tea. Island craft beer available for purchase. Supper entertainment features Acadian fiddle music with Louise Arsenault and Helen Bergeron.
Entertainment Tent and Courtyard
Featuring the best of Island, Maritime, and “From Away” entertainment
12:00 Noon Remi Boudreau Magic Show
12:30 PM Family Singing Show with Molly Whuppie
1:15 – 2:45 PM Songs of the Sea – Shanties and Song with The Fair Deal Exchange (David Pendergast, Thomas Kirkham, Peter Webb and Katriona MacNeill)
2:00 PM – 8 PM Sandcastle building with Island artist Maurice Bernard in the courtyard
3:00 PM Three’s Company Band with guest fiddler Steve Perry
4:00 PM Remi Boudreau Magic Show
4:30 PM Family Singing Show with Molly Whuppie
5:00 PM Entertainment Tent closes for Lobster Supper
6:30 PM Registration for PEI Youth Talent Competition
7: 00 PM PEI Youth Talent Competition – Presented by PEI Association of Exhibitions and PEI Mutual Insurance Company. Open to Island youth ages 13 to 21. Winner represents the carnival at the provincial finals. 1st prize $300, 2nd $150, 3rd $75.
8:15 PM – 10:00 PM Fiddlers’ Sons
11:00 PM Midway closes - Reopens 12:00 Noon Saturday
Ice Pond Nature Park - Greenwood Drive across from Carnival Grounds
4:00 pm- 8:00 pm BBEMA Annual Fishing Derby in Partnership with Summerside Lobster Carnival. Three fifty dollar prizes up for grabs: Largest Fish Caught, Youth Largest Fish Caught, Most Enthusiastic Angler. No entry fee.
Carnival presenting sponsor